Our Impact

In 2023, World Bridge Foundation embarked on an exhilarating tour across the United States, featuring 25 young students from Uganda. This transformative journey not only showcased their artistic talents but also expanded their confidence, worldviews, and interpersonal skills. We reached and impacted approximately 15,000 children through workshops, concerts, and outreach programs. Additionally, the tour raised enough funds to support 90 children in Uganda's schools for a full year. This achievement is truly astounding.

The tour included not only school performances but also extended to longer family shows, workshops, costume design sessions, drumming classes, and cross-cultural Q&A sessions, led by the talented children from Dance of Hope.

Funds raised from the tour covered 91% of its expenses, with the remaining 8% sourced from donor support. Increasing donor support is our goal, to enhance our capacity, address unforeseen costs, and ultimately expand our reach and impact. Following the 2023 tour, we aim to extend our impact across the entire U.S., forging stronger, ongoing relationships with the communities we visit.

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support

The tour had a profound impact on the mental health of young people, particularly in underserved communities where poverty and isolation are prevalent. The tour brought joy, connection, and a sense of belonging to many, preventing some from succumbing to despair. Lives were changed in remarkable and unforgettable ways.