Our Work

Economic Empowerment

As we pursue several initiatives to boost and promote sustainability within communities, World Bridge Foundation has developed a program to promote social enterprises in various communities in the USA and the global south.

Micro financing models:

Access to affordable finance is still a major hindrance to implementation of business ideas in the marginal communities. Young people around the world often find enormous challenges to access credit facilities especially due to their lack of security to get loans from traditional finance institutions.

World Bridge has established a Bridge Entrepreneurship Fund (BEF) to extend affordable finance to young people around the world. This fund shall be co-managed by beneficiary communities with subscriptions from all those interested in benefiting from it.

BEF is an alternative finance facility designed to support marginal communities who would rather find it difficult to work directly with mainstream financial institutions such as banks and National funds.

The BEF is rooted in the conviction that the “power of the poor lies in their numbers” when the poor communities pool their finances together into a common pool, governed and managed by themselves, they can achieve significant and sustainable transformation.

The BEF will cover three components namely;

  • Business management trainings and coaching for the communities
  • Provide seed capital for communities and individual members to start their own businesses
  • Provide a foundation for leveraging resources from donors and corporate bodies to support community development projects

  • Emotional and psychological rehabilitation
  • Skills and Talent enhance
  • Career guidance and employability ( with critical attention to young people in foster homes using culturally appropriate mechanisms to meet the needs of immigrant community)

    Our engagements will be driven through

    • routine engagements in workshops and trainings
    • Exchange programs amongst the youths in shelters
    • Outreach for title 1 schools and afterschool programs
    • Youth Forums
    • Art exhibitions and Events